Covering Brighouse, Halifax, Huddersfield, Bradford & Calder Valley
Why choose Sooty And Swept..
Fully qualified City & Guilds accredited
Full risk assessment and safety check carried out in line with current regulations prior to work commencing
We use traditional and latest modern power sweeping techniques
Clean, tidy and respectful to your home
Fully insured and covered by public liability insurance
Local to Brighouse covering Bradford, Calderdale and Kirklees. We can also travel further afield upon request.
Reliable, friendly and professional

Certification of works.
All completed works will be certified with a copy handed to the customer and a second retained by the chimney sweep.
Please be aware that the initial risk assessment on arrival at the property may highlight issues with the flue/Stack/cowl etc which prevents work being carried out until remedial work is completed. Alternatively in some lesser cases the flue/ chimney can be swept and a warning notice issued which states the fire should not be used again until highlighted remedial work is complete. In cases like this the receipt of the completed work can be attached to the warning notice which will then act as though the job has been fully certified for use.
Remember you and your families safety is paramount in this process. No work will be carried out or signed off which compromises this.